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New Member Feature abcWorkshop !
Draw, Write, Color & Create Shapes using abcWorkshop ! abcWorkshop is a new online editor, enabling members to draw, write, color, create, save, print,

Make a Bunny: Craft Project
Make a Bunny: Crafts Here are instructions on how to craft your own bunny. Click on the link below for printouts.

Daisy Craft
Use the daisy pattern shown below: Create your own daisy by tracing a CD, then draw in the petals and stem of the flower. The daisy

Crafts – Woven Valentine
You will need… Heart pattern – White or color of your choice card stock. – Colored paper or card stock. – Scissors –

Shapebooks/Borders Tool: Create a Custom Invitation!
Our abctools section is very popular among our members. Some of the tools have

Reading Log with Genre Tracking Strips
Fun Reading Log on a Metal Ring * When I taught 3rd grade I was always trying to come up with a fun way

Halloween Fun!
* This week’s fun activity is great for Halloween parties, craft day or for a learning center. * Follow the easy instructions and

Teacher Feedback
Bill Gates gave a Ted Talk in May 2013 about feedback, and the lack thereof, directed at teachers. Gates cited a study that claims 98%

Don’t Be Letterman
I didn’t realize I had become Letterman. As in David Letterman, the soon-to-retire host of the Late Show. I did, however, realize that I was

What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
“What could possibly go wrong?” The phrase is rarely deployed without irony, and for good reason; we are all familiar with Murphy and his law.

Summer Fun with… Heraldry?
Medieval heraldry sounds about as fun as a day of browsing antique shops to the few children who know what the term means. It almost

Assigning Beauty
“We’ve been talking, and we’re tired of doing kid stuff,” said Andy, one of my favorite trouble-making fifth-graders. We were only a few days into