The following blog is one of the featured articles from our newest online publication, the abcteach Quarterly Digest. This quarterly member newsletter highlights creative teaching ideas, educator insights, along with ways to make the most of your abcteach membership.
Family Activity Planners
Project aides, classroom funding, math activity nights… oh my! The support that you receive from your PTA or PTO is a lifesaver for ensuring that your students get the proper balance of education, creativity, and fun each year. So how do you return the favor? With abcteach Family Activity Planners!
Parents are wonderful at loving and providing for their kids, but they’re not trained teachers (at least not all of them). So how can you help? By giving them easy-to-use, grade-appropriate activities that advance their child’s intellect. Our Activity Planner lineup explores a variety of everyday moments that can be transformed into learning opportunities for the whole family. Will you be out in the neighborhood, at the store, or in the yard? Learning awaits! Created by veteran educators, these packets give all parents, caregivers, and tutors a simple guide to reinforce core skills outside of the class. Each series is broken down according to grade and subject, and comes paired with supporting abcteach materials.
Below you’ll find a handful of planners and supporting materials to send home with your parents for weekend learning or the upcoming summer months. Are they not abcteach members? No problem! It’s all available in an easy pdf for you to print off or use electronically.
Fun at Home! Family Activity Planners
• At the Restaurant – Supporting Activities
• In the Yard – Supporting Activities
• My Neighborhood – Supporting Activities
• Parent Membership Discount Certificate – Share the great teaching resources at abcteach! Parents receive $10 off individual abcteach memberships. Promo code is good until 9/1/13.
The summer months are a time for fun, family, and friends, but they can also present wonderful opportunities to learn. When students are away from class, their educational skills stall. Keep their minds as active as their bodies this year with abcteach!
Posted by Lindsey Elton, abcteach Team