The holiday season has passed and 2016 has arrived. For teachers, homeschools, and parents it is time to get organized and look forward to another great year of educating your children. There is an increasing amount of information being thrown at our students and us today. With the overuse and abundance of social media communications, new technologies and educational concepts, it is important for us to stay organized on what we should be teaching. Don’t worry abcteach is here to help. Here are some helpful tips on how you can be prepared for the year ahead.
* Try Something New
We all have a certain way that we like to teach, and most of the time the point gets across to our students. However, it is important to challenge yourself as an educator and try new things in the classroom. Abcteach has many helpful categories such as Teaching Extras, Homeschool and Parent Resources, and Fun Activities where you will certainly find something new and exciting to try in the classroom.
* Wake Up Kids!
School can be long and excruciating if the right energy is not in the classroom. We want our students to learn and behave respectably, but we can’t expect that to happen automatically. Engage your students in the lessons you are teaching. No matter what the objective of the day is; classroom work, group work, video & write up, a quiz, it is important to communicate with as many of the students as you can on a regular basis. It will grab their attention and keep them attentive. Have your students accomplish more than one task during each class period. This will help them refocus and keep them awake!
* Get Back To Basics!
When all else fails in the classroom or at home, we need to take a hard look at ourselves and assess how to accomplish a better teaching environment for all the parties involved. When this happens, get back to basics! Make sure to take advantage of our abctools (custom worksheet generators). Make quick worksheets for the classroom! Members can save their abctools and refer back to them at anytime. This is one of the best ways to create basic templates for all your teaching needs. Theme Units and Thinking Skills (member category) will help you find something to get your classroom or household on the straight and narrow as well.
*** Make sure to take advantage of our current New Years Special ! 50% OFF 1 & 2 year memberships. That’s only $20 a year ! Become a member today !
Let 2016 be your best year yet!
David Kemsley – abcteach Team