
Hands-on Homeschool

As a homeschool mom, one of my favorite aspects of homeschool is the freedom that my family has to adapt the learning process to fit our needs. Sure, my sons have done their share of worksheets – handwriting pages, math practice pages and more; but our favorite lessons have been those that did not include pencil and paper. Whether it’s chemistry experiments in the kitchen, identifying plants in the park, creating PowerPoint presentations about dragons, raising a red-eared slider turtle, or acting out great literature in the living room, hands-on learning is a major ingredient in our curriculum.

Homeschools come in many forms, ranging from traditional methods to eclectic to unschooling. Hands-on activities can have a place in any setting. I encourage you to investigate the many resources that abcteach has to offer and adapt them to your own homeschool style. Here are a few suggestions:

SMART Notebook Interactives – Enjoy these on your home computer using the free SMART Notebook Interactive Viewer.

PowerPoint Templates – Instead of having students write a traditional report, have them create a presentation and teach you about a topic.

Science Experiments/Investigations – Students will experience science first hand through interaction and observation.

Homeschooling Hands-on Activities – Students learn basic skills through real world situations.

Montessori Math Manipulatives – Tactile experience is a great way for young students to learn about numbers.

Art Projects and Craft Projects – Find something inspiring and get the creative juices flowing.

As you share these experiences with your children, be open to explore unexpected opportunities. Children often make connections or see aspects that we, as adults, miss. A science lesson on collecting and identifying leaves may turn into an art collage. Creating a PowerPoint presentation may lead to questions about how a computer works or how electricity gets into your home. Be on the lookout for those “teachable moments” and run with them!

Carol Welch, abcteach staff writer

The links in the text above are for members. Below are links to our FREE MATERIALS:

SMART Notebook Interactives

Powerpoint Templates

Science Experiments/Investigations

Homeschooling Hands-on Activities

Art Projects

Craft Projects

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