Letter Tiles

Fun Word Game with Letter Tiles

abcteach welcomes you back to school!


The first week of school is a good time for students to get to know each other. Learning games played in groups can help facilitate this naturally. We created a fun game that students can play together, in groups, or in a learning center.

Fun Word Game with Letter Tiles


You will need a game board, set of letter tiles, and a tally chart. Let’s get started!


  1. Have students divide into groups. (2-3 in a group)
  2. Each group will need two matching game boards.
  3. Students take turns making words using the tiles.
  4. Each tile is worth 1 point.
  5. On the tally chart each group adds a tally for each letter.
  6. Play until no more new letters can be made.
  7. Continue playing until you can’t make any new words.




*NOTE: Each card has five tiles. For puzzles with more than 5 letters, just tape two boards together.


We hope you can find something to make this first week back at school easy. Let us know what you have planned for the first day of school in the comments below. Good luck this school year and stay tuned for more hands-on activities.






Written by Sandy Kemsley

abcteach team

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