With the weather being so warm lately, it seems like we’re approaching summer rather than just entering spring. But alas, it’s April that is upon us, which means great seasonal classroom activities are still timely. Peruse our What’s New section. We’ve added interactive flipcharts, Special Needs activities, Common Core Reading Standards, and new cultural holidays. This time of year is also heavy into testing, so be sure to check our Testing Practice section as well.
Did you know that April is Math Awareness Month? It was designated by the Joint Policy Board of Mathematics, and the 2012 theme is Mathematics, Statistics, and the Data Deluge. It’s meant to help us understand that “… massive amounts of data are collected every day, often from services we use regularly, but that we never think about”… such as Google searches, Facebook activities, credit card purchases, etc. The topic highlights the great opportunities these data sets provide, but at the same time, shed light on the dangers they pose.
Whichever math area your students are working in, abcteach has creative materials to support. We cover core subjects, like addition and multiplication, but also the more advanced ones, such as geometry, problem solving, and graphing skills. And don’t forget about abctools! We have nearly 60 math options to create customized worksheets for your class.
We hope you enjoy the new month. If you have special events or activities planned, please let us know. We love sharing ideas with the abcteach community.
~The abcteach Team