
Reading Log with Genre Tracking Strips

Fun Reading Log on a Metal Ring

reading ring


* When I taught 3rd grade I was always trying to come up with a fun way for my students to keep track of what they read.  I also encouraged them to read a variety of genres.  I came up with this idea of making genre strips that they would fill out and put on a metal ring. They loved them.  The directions below are how I used them, but you can adjust the directions to fit your needs.



1.  Cut strips in a variety of colors on card stock.


2.  Members can print pre-made strips


3.  Each color strip represents a genre.   Group the strips by genre and place them in a container. (Included are Fiction and Non-Fiction/Informational dividers.)


4.  When students finish reading a book, they may pick the appropriate reading log strip and fill in the information on the front side of the strip.


5.  Students then turn the strip over and write a sentence or two about their favorite part of the book. (Younger students could draw a picture)


6.  When completed,  students can punch the hole and add their strip to their metal ring.


7.  Periodically, have a student share session.  Students share one of their books from their ring.  Each student can ask one question about the book.


Enjoy!   Sandy Kemsley,





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