
Tips from the Back to School Webinar – Part Two

Tips from the Back to School Webinar - Part Two 1
Last week’s Back to School webinar was a joint-presentation from abcteach veteran educators, Kathy Butler and Sandy Kemsley. Thank you again to all who participated, and for those that couldn’t, we hope this run-down of pointers brings new creativity to your classroom. The following are the highlights from the second half of the presentation: Classroom Portfolios.

Tips from the Back to School Webinar - Part Two 2 Creating a Classroom Portfolio

1st Step: Determine the purpose(s)
Discussing the intent with your class offers an opportunity for student reflection.
• To demonstrate the process of learning
• To show growth over time; progress
• To highlight success

2nd Step: Creating
Allowing students to help create and make decisions about their portfolios provides them with a sense of pride and ownership.
• Determine what the portfolio will contain – one or all subjects
• What are the materials needed – binders, folders, dividers, etc.
• Cover Page – ideas include a photo with the student’s name, personal shield/crest, subject related info/drawings, All About Me sheet

Step 3: Using Porfolios
The importance of the portfolio must be demonstrated by allotting a specific time for its upkeep.
• Designate time each week to place work, organize the portfolio, and reflect on growth and achievement

Tips from the Back to School Webinar - Part Two 2 Take Home Points

• The most important part of creating portfolios is that they are used!

• Students will have more ownership in their portfolio if they have a hand in creating it, whether it’s a binder divided into categories or created on the computer. This is a perfect opportunity for students to show off their creative or artistic talents.

• Students who are allowed to choose some items to be kept in their portfolio are more apt to keep it updated and organized and their sense of ownership and pride will be furthered.

• Set time aside once a week or once every other week to work on the portfolios. Students who are expected to work on their portfolios in their ‘spare’ time usually don’t.

• Allotted time should include adding work, organization and, most importantly, reflection. To make the portfolio most meaningful, students should reflect on the process of their learning. They should learn to identify their progress and be allowed to recognize their successes. This can provide the intrinsic motivation that will keep even the struggling student moving forward.

Tips from the Back to School Webinar - Part Two 2 Related Sections on abcteach

Portfolio Goals/Evaluations
Theme Units
Teaching Extras

We hope you’ve found these highlights to be a useful addition to your classroom lesson plans. Back to school is a fun, energizing time of year and we wish all the best for you and your new class.

Welcome Back!

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